Wednesday 30 September 2015

10 weeks until stoma reversal

Hey all! I haven't updated in a long time, and there still isn't much new to catch up on. This blog's kinda temporarily on hold for now, until I get something particularly significant to share with you all.

My hair's still falling out (see last post) but the rate of it has slowed down a lot. I feel that it's looking quite thin, but no way near so much as after operation 1. So that's some sort of good news.

I'm now back at university in London, still with my loop stoma in tow, which mostly behaves itself these days (when it feels like it). I can't lie and say it's perfect - whereas my end ileostomy was constantly well-behaved and required minimal thought and effort, this loop is still a bit of a special case. Even after paste, convex bags and a belt it somehow manages to have days where I'll only last half a day with a bag before my skin's being burnt to pieces and I'll have to change it.

I think the biggest difference is that with my end ileostomy, I kind of forgot about it a lot of the time (as crazy as that sounds), whereas this loop is pretty much always on my mind. I do have to plan my routine around it, as sometimes it'll fill completely - unexpectedly - and I'll desperately need to find a loo! I've got more into loose fitting skirts and long jumpers, to hide the ballooning if this happens. It's often super watery and most days I'll feel dehydrated, especially when I wake up in the morning. However, it does pass food through a lot quicker than the end ileostomy, meaning I can eat later before I go to bed without having to wait up - one plus!

If you're facing a loop ileostomy - which is the only stoma you'll get if you have a 2-step surgery - and you'll still need it even if you have the 3 step - it is a bit of a pain in the rear. That said, you usually only have a loop stoma for a very short period of time before having the J-pouch connected, so it's not all bad.

It's my 21st birthday in 2 weeks and I wasn't really sure what to do to celebrate. I'm having a few friends down to London for starters, for a meal and a general night out, then later on in the month I'm going back up to Nottingham and my friend and I are going for a spa day (wooooo!) 21 is a huge milestone, but it seems even bigger knowing what I've tackled these past 2 years and the things I've experienced since being 19. A lot of time's gone by. It'd be nice to wrap this all up with my op at Christmas.

So, what am I most excited about? To name a few things - wearing low-slung jeans for the first time in 2 years, showering? Little petty things I know, but they seem like the holy grail of goals right now ;) I'm also nervous in some ways too - I've heard for years that a J-pouch isn't perfect - but I'd like to think I've heard enough good stories to keep me going.

Very soon, for those of you who receive the CCUK magazine, you'll see my piece on going to uni with a stoma! I'm really excited for it to be published. Hopefully it'll make for helpful and informative reading!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing all these experiences with us. People who are facing the problem of Ostomy may take the help of specially designed cloths and lingerie. Ostomates can use the Ostomy Lingerie inside their regular cloths so that there is no need to wear an extra belt to support that bag.
