Monday 27 April 2015

Signed and confirmed :)

So this is it! Today I officially met with my surgeon and signed the consent form to go ahead with the first stage of my J pouch surgery. I'm super excited! It all seems so real now, and I really just can't wait to finish this chapter of my life and open a fresh one.

As I've known that I'm due more surgery for over a year now, at times it's felt like life's been a bit on hold. I mean, not in a really bad way. I've done some amazing things with this year - gone back to university, gone on holidays and made loads of memories - but I've always had in the back of my head that I've got the next stage to come. When I've finished all my treatment, I'll be able to look at the future with no more surgery ahead of me. It'll be a really refreshing feeling.

It's the first time I've met my surgeon as well, and he's really nice and put me at ease. I'm confident I'm in good hands for the next op!

So now we wait. I was offered a date on 12th May, but that's right over my exams and I just can't do it. So June it still is :)

6 weeks and counting! :)

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