Saturday 9 May 2015

1 month to go!

So here it is. Official. 1 month today until I'll be arriving at hospital, getting into my gown ready for the first step of my pouch surgery!

This means the surgeon is set to remove my remaining rectum, create a pouch, and make a temporary stoma to let the pouch heal.

A year has passed so quickly. It really doesn't seem more than a few days since I was sat in the surgeon's office, being told I had another year to go before I could take this next step. At the time, it seemed like an age to wait, but I've done so much with the year that it's actually flown by.

In the year and 4 months I've had my ileostomy, I've achieved so much - much more than I ever imagined I would. I've returned to university and completed my first year (no colitis break this time!), and I'm sitting my exams next week. I've volunteered with the Ileostomy Association, with the specialist London bowel hospital St Mark's, and taken part in several events with Crohn's and colitis UK. I've volunteered at a local youth club and accompanied them on a gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition through the Welsh mountains, I've helped recruit people to the bone marrow register, I've registered to work at a kids camp over the summer (specially for kids with chronic illnesses and disabilities). I've recently completed a fantastic work experience placement.

All these things and more have been possible with a stoma - I haven't mentioned the festivals, gigs, camping trips, theme parks and 2 foreign holidays - it really hasn't stopped me in the slightest.

My health is better than it's been in YEARS, and it's all thanks to this little bag!

I'm really excited to be starting the next stage of my journey so soon. Of course, I'm apprehensive - post-op pain, the scarring, the possibility of complications are all on my mind. But I've already made my decision, and I remind myself of that whenever I feel scared. So many people with pouches have a brilliant outcome - I just hope I'm one of them!

My nerves haven't kicked in yet - I've got exams first. We'll see how I'm doing next week when they're over ;)

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on ileostomy association
