Monday 10 August 2015

2 days until my 'pouchogram' - well that escalated quickly!

Last Friday, I saw my surgeon to discuss my third and final operation, which is booked for December 15th. He mentioned I'd need one more appointment plus a pre-op, but I'd also need a 'pouchogram', an X-ray type procedure which checks whether the pouch is completely healed (with no 'holes'!)

Well, he said it would be sometime in August, and he wasn't kidding! This morning I already got the phone call asking me to come in on WEDNESDAY for the procedure!

From what I've heard, I'll have something stuck up my bum to inflate the pouch, pump it full with dye and then x-rayed for leaks. Sounds really pleasant (not), but it needs to be done to make sure my pouch is all ready for connection.

It's pretty exciting too, because this will be the proof whether or not operation 2 really went successfully. Once this procedure is complete, my pouch is all ready to be connected - and it would be happening sooner if it wasn't for going back to uni.

I'll be posting more as this develops! :)

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