Thursday 13 August 2015

Pouchogram - fantastic news!

Yesterday, I had my 'pouchogram', an x-ray to check my new pouch for any leaks. A good result means I'm ready to have the third and final operation: the stoma reversal!

Although I knew what I was here for, I was still slightly surprised when the nurse asked me to strip starkers and change into a surgical gown! I went into the x-ray suite and laid down on a bed with the machine lowered over me. The doc (watched by a trainee!) then stuck a tube up my bum and pumped in a clear solution that allows the pouch to be x-rayed.

I was told to lie in several different positions. It was slightly uncomfortable (a stretching sort of feeling, and some mild gas pain) but otherwise painless. No dye came out into the stoma bag. I could see the x-Ray of my pouch on the screen above my head - pretty interesting! I saw it fill with dye, empty, and could even see tiny lines around the pouch outline where he edges had been sutured together.

All the time the doc was telling me to clench (lol) to stop the dye leaking back out - and not a drop of it leaked, giving me hope for future continence post-reversal!

From what the radiologist could see (although a consultant needs to confirm it), my pouch is 'very secure' and has no leaks whatsoever! This is such a fantastic result and puts me in a great position for the reversal.

I see the surgeon again on October 4th - but for now I'm really delighted! :)!

1 comment:

  1. I m reading these topic for so long bur really I never heard about this term pouchogram. Hope so that this is also to help the people who are facing the problem of Ostomy. If there would be any leak in that ostomy pouch then it will really be very much embarrassing for them. There are various items available in market now a days to remove the smell and help support that Ostomy bag. You may take help from Ostomy wear, Ostomy lingerie or designer packs to look it more stylist.
