Thursday 31 December 2015

J pouch day 16

Just over 2 weeks post-reversal surgery, and everything is still going great. I'm so happy with the progress I've made so far.

This surgery and recovery has really been a welcome surprise. After op 1 and 2, it took months and months to even feel vaguely like my normal self again. When I came home from uni and had this final surgery, I was worried that a month wouldn't be enough time off before I had to go back. Now, it's seeming like plenty of time as I already feel so much better!

The J-pouch function isn't perfect yet, but it's already at a manageable stage that allows me to have a normal routine. I can hold off going to the toilet for a long time if I want to. When you need the loo with a pouch, it doesn't feel like it did with a colon - it's more like a feeling of pressure in the pouch, and if it's really full then you'll start getting a slight stomach ache as well. Even when the pouch isn't connected (when you have the loop ileostomy), it partially functions and fills up with mucus - this gives you some idea of how it feels to empty a pouch. You still get the same sensations of pressure/stomach ache when it needs emptying, even before takedown.

Yesterday, I went into town to meet a friend and do some sale shopping, and when I was in one shop (really far from a toilet) I started needing the loo. Instead of dashing off to the nearest bathroom though, I was able to distract myself by looking round the shop and the feeling soon subsided. I didn't actually need the loo again until hours later.

I've eaten a lot of different vegetables now, all of which have been fine for the pouch. I also ate a couple of mushrooms the other night, but they were very well cooked and soft.

My scar has completely healed over now. The other day, I was worried I had an infection, as the stitch sites were weeping a cloudy yellow fluid - but as the dissolving stitches gradually fell out (sometimes helped with a little bit of a pull from me - a bit of an ouch), each little hole healed over very quickly. My stomach has now returned to its normal shape - it was slightly swollen for over a week after surgery.

The biggest issue for me right now is night time toilet visits. I'm currently getting up twice a night to go to the loo - it was 4x at first! - which is a bit irritating. Once a night I could handle, but two is quite disruptive to sleep. Fortunately though, as I got used to eating my dinner early/not overeating, the frequency went down. I had the tiniest of night time leaks (I mean so, so tiny) the other night after I'd eaten raw carrots and cucumber on a buffet at about 9.45pm and then gone to bed at 11pm (come on, that was sort of asking for it).

I'm starting to learn that a big part of J-pouch life is keeping an organised routine. Skipping meals or not drinking enough worsens pouch function, but keeping hydrated and eating little and often really helps to keep things regular.

I'm off to a friend's house to celebrate NYE tonight - in the meantime, wishing all my readers a very happy New Year and hoping that 2016 brings good health to all of us.


  1. It's 21 years since I had my reversal and reading your blog brings back so many memories, I think it's inspirational your story and want you to know I have never let the j pouch stop me doing anything! Good luck xxxx

  2. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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  3. Good to see that you are living a good life with your bowel diversion
