Wednesday 16 December 2015

J pouch day 2

Today is the second day with my connected J-pouch. It's already been pretty exciting as at 4.30 am this morning I had my first 'poop' from down below in nearly 2 years (oh, the simple pleasures!)

I've been a few more times since - it's very liquid now, but I have total control and no leakage. This is pretty normal in these very early days.

At the moment I'm really quite bloated, but that's largely cause of the morphine pump I'm on. I really don't like morphine - it makes me dizzy and sick, and yesterday had me projectile vomiting. I should be changing onto oxycodone/contin sometime today, which I tolerate much better!

One full night and day of morphine

The stoma site hurts more than expected, but I guess it's quite a deep wound after all! At the moment it's covered just with one dressing - I haven't actually seen the wound yet cause it hasn't been changed. From what's been said, I think it's been left slightly open - they have to do this in case it gets infected (quite a high chance where a stoma has been reversed)

I've been on a few drips overnight as I'm quite dehydrated from the anaesthetic, but this morning my blood pressure is back up from a low! I'm really starving and pretty much having to limit myself from going overboard and eating too  much too soon.

Here's my finished tum - op 1 scar down the middle, op 2 with the little keyhole scar above the dressing (and another below), and op 3! My stomachs still pretty puffy with air from the surgery/bowels waking up.

Today I'm hoping to eat a little more and for the bowels to properly get working - I may even be home within the next few days!

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