Thursday 17 December 2015

J pouch day 3

I've been discharged and sent home today! :)

Last night, I dropped my phone down the toilet (it survived), accidentally ripped a cannula out of my hand as I pulled on my dressing gown and had a pretty bad nights sleep. I woke up in a pretty bad mood, but when I was told I'd be discharged today it definitely cheered me up!

As my bowel has started working, the surgeon decided I was well enough to go home today - finally got back at around 6pm. I've had an easy evening in front of the TV eating some tea and chilling out!

Back home!

My pouch is working pretty frequently - sometimes partially formed, sometimes liquid. There's still a lot of gas. I'm still quite bloated and my stomach is puffed up, which is pretty uncomfortable by apparently normal. In the past 24 hours, I'd say I'd gone to the toilet roughly 8-10 times, which sounds a lot but isn't as bad as I thought it would be!

Whenever I go, I have total control. I don't have to rush. I haven't had any accidents, not even sleeping. Although I do feel the need to go poop come on pretty quickly, I can hold it in when I need. For example, the hospital is 30 minutes drive away from home - I needed the toilet when I left, but decided to hold it in. I had no problem holding it all the way home!

I do have 'butt burn' pretty bad. This is because poo without a colon is very acidic - so my bum feels a bit like a ring of fire. I'm currently using Andrex wet wipes rather than loo roll, dabbing not wiping, and applying lots of Sudocrem/Bepanthen nappy rash cream afterwards, which is keeping the burn under control!

My scar is pretty neat, and it's sewn diagonally.

I do have some scar pain, and also pain from the bloating, but I'd actually say that the bloat is more bothering me right now. Under my ribcage feels really tight and sore. This is apparently normal but right now it's making me feel a bit miserable.

I'm eating small meals regularly, and sticking to bland things like white rice, crumpets and cheese, white bread sandwiches. I'm not going to try to add to my diet until the bloating has settled down. I'm still taking paracetamol and oxycodone when required.

It's definitely nice to be back in my own bed tonight!!

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