Monday 8 June 2015

1 day to go: Operation preparation!

This is really it - tomorrow's the big day! No more countdowns, no more waiting, and no more wondering. All day I've been watching my phone, waiting for any last minute hitches or cancellations, but I've not heard anything so I assume it's all going ahead as planned.

I've spent the day with friends, my boyfriend and my parents, going out and about round town, then a meal in the evening. I wanted to make today as normal as possible, but surprisingly I'm not actually as nervous as I thought I'd be by now. I guess I've had so long to think about this, that by now I just want it over and done with.

I've been drinking my lovely lemony pre-op drinks (hmmm, lovely) - only three more to go! - and had my final meal - a gorgeous all-you-can-eat, all nationalities buffet. Yum!

Tomorrow at 7am, I'll be arriving at the Queen's Medical Centre, getting into my bed, changing into that wonderfully flattering gown, and being put to sleep to make a pouch. It doesn't seem real, to be honest, which is maybe why I'm not actually that nervous. I'm pretty tired though, so I think I'll sleep well tonight.

Because everyone loves the taste of chemical lemons
Tomorrow, the real journey begins. Bring it on!

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