Friday 12 June 2015

Day 4 post j pouch - morphine sickness

I've been unusually unresponsive to just about everyone today, which is unlike me, but that's because for the past 24+ hours just a single glimpse of my phone screen was making me really violently sick.

Trusty supply of bowls - my new best mates

What was this? Have my mum and dads dreams finally come true and the hospital have found a way of severing me from my iPhone addiction? (If you're reading this m+d I love you and I'm joking)

It wasn't just the phone making me sick, though. Reading. Eating. Drinking. Turning over in bed. By yesterday evening, unable to keep down any food or fluid and unable to do anything except stare at a fixed spot ahead of me (to stop the feeling that I was riding a boat out in a seriously choppy sea) all I could do is lie there miserably and wonder why this was happening.

The vomiting meant I quickly became dehydrated, so spent most of the day on a drip. This sickness has also left me pretty immobile, meaning I've had to keep the dreaded catheter for another day.

This needs to leave now!

Fortunately, my sick state had a simple solution - apparently my body just does not agree with morphine. This became clear when the sickness stopped completely after a late dose. Once we'd sorted this out, I'm now taking the much kinder oxycodone, feeling really comfortable and I've started eating and drinking again. Score! The phone sickness is also cured (sorry folks)

In other news - I was part of the medical student exams today, as they had to examine my tummy as part of an assessment. I'm a student myself so felt like I should offer some help! :p hopefully I was an acceptable patient model!

This evening I also had a massive (gross) leak from my new pouch. It's not properly connected yet, so nothing more sinister than a bit of fluid (there's too much bodily fluid around for my liking), but still quite scary. If you're reading this and it's happened to you, apparently it's all another bit of new-normal.

Sleep well folks! :)

Back to normality. Whew!

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