Friday 19 June 2015

Day 11: Amazing nurse to the rescue!

Today has been a real duvet day. I've not moved from the sofa but stayed in my pajamas and watched just about every daytime TV show going! My parents and boyfriend have been around to look after me, and life is pretty chilled.

After last nights multiple leaking, my skin was still very sore, and I've been quite self conscious thinking it's going to happen again. So today I rang the helpline and this afternoon the most amazing stoma nurse came to help me :) She was such a lovely understanding lady and pretty much sorted my life out. Turns out I do need convex bags, and the template also needed a re-trim. She also rang Charter Healthcare and sorted out all my orders, making sure every address and GP detail was right. An absolute angel!

I'm quite aching and sore, but my tiny keyhole cuts are already healing. Its a lot different to my big scar the first time round, which was huge compared to this!

Last year, January 2014...

This time!

My pain is more just a general aching and stiffness, rather than actual hurting. It's more discomfort than pain. My weakness and general tiredness is partly down to anaemia - I've been discharged from hospital with iron tablets for that - so right now I'm just getting lots of rest and taking it steady.

Hoping to be back on my feet in a few weeks, but for now I don't feel too guilty about kicking back and taking in the daytime TV! ;)

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