Wednesday 24 June 2015

Day 16: First trip out

Today, I ventured out of the house for the first time since before my surgery. Seen as all I've done since leaving hospital is chill out on the sofa, this was a pretty big achievement!

I needed to pick up some birthday presents, plus some thank you cards for my surgeon and the ward nurses who cared for me. My dad agreed to take me and mum in, drop us off for a couple of hours, then pick us up.

It all went really well! Walking about was a lot more tiring than I thought it would be though, which was scary at first. I'm 20, so to walk for five minutes and feel breathless is a bit of a shock to the system. My legs ached and felt numb, and at one point I even had some pains in my chest. I do think that this is partly because I'm still very anaemic, something that's being treated with iron tablets.

I was quite nervous about the bag side of things - after all, it's been a bit temperamental lately. I had no issues though, and I couldn't help but remember back to my first op, leaving the house for the first time worried that I was going to have an embarrassing problem whilst out. I think sometimes you just have to push yourself and go for it, blow what happens, then when you get through it okay you can look back and realise that there was nothing to worry about!

Still, I was pretty glad when my dad came back to pick us up, and getting into the car I was dozing the way home. I got back and got straight onto my sofa, worn out, but with a great sense of achievement.

As my friend said the other day, I'm like a butterfly waiting to come out of its cocoon!! (This made me smile a lot)
Looking forward to the next outing :)

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